Jupiter (JUP) is currently trading on Uniswap at a rate of $ 0.0012. The liquidity pool contains 54,572,718 JUP and 26.91189 ETH with a total liquidity of $ 129,445 by 23 liquidity providers.
Quick links:
Jupiter in pool | 54,572,718 |
ETH in pool | 26.91189 |
JUP per ETH | 2,027,830 |
ETH per JUP | 0.00000049 |
USD per JUP | $ 0.0012 |
USD per ETH | $ 2,404.9815 |
Total liquidity | $ 129,445 |
Liquidity providers | 23 |
Providing liquidity on Uniswap is one of the ways to earn JUP. From the 1st of January 2021, Jupiter has started a Liquidity Mining Farm on Unicrypt. 25 million JUP will be distributed amongst the liquidity providers over the course of 3 months. Target is 25% APY based on $200k of liquidity providing.